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Фигурка "Собака"

  • Название товара: Фигурка "Собака"Артикул:
  • Размеры: 12смХ7смХ11см
  • Вес: Арт.16521*
  • Описание товара: Фигурка "Собака"Фигурка "Собака"

  • Цена товара: 500 руб

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Пользователь offline gabrielledu3 16 мая 2021 10:22 #43231
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Пользователь offline WilcancaR 16 мая 2021 11:15 #43232
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Пользователь offline MisklozEncot 16 мая 2021 11:37 #43233
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Пользователь offline KatzimsVew 16 мая 2021 11:43 #43234
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Пользователь offline Bathroomssep 16 мая 2021 11:48 #43235
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Пользователь offline Bathroomssep 17 мая 2021 04:43 #43240
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Пользователь offline Skidriwalumn 17 мая 2021 19:09 #43242
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In Denmark, they wanted to monitor Russia because of the increased activity in the Arctic. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country, Eppe Kufud, following a meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, reports TASS.

The diplomat stressed that Copenhagen has noticed an increase in the presence of the Russian side in the Arctic region. He added that the Danish authorities will monitor Moscow's actions to ensure the independence of the kingdom and its interests in the Arctic.

Kufud also noted that Russia has resumed the operation of several military bases in the north-east of the country. He said that the Foreign Ministry learned about the opening of bases closed after the end of the Cold War.

Blinken, in turn, praised the efforts of the Danish authorities to ensure security in the Arctic region. "I believe that Denmark takes responsibility in the Arctic, including the Arctic package," the politician stressed.

Earlier it was reported that Russia is concerned about the NATO offensive in the Arctic and plans to raise this issue at a meeting of the Arctic Council, which will be held in Reykjavik on May 20. Responding to Western concerns about Russia's military activity in the Arctic, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recalled that this is Russian territory and therefore Moscow has the right to do everything necessary to ensure its own security.

On May 13, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused Norway of militarizing the Arctic after a US nuclear submarine made a call in the civilian harbor of Tromso in the north of the country on May 10.

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Пользователь offline VansoreKeete 17 мая 2021 19:10 #43243
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The United States will sell Israel precision weapons worth $ 735 million amid the escalating conflict with Palestine. This is reported by The Washington Post, citing informed sources.

According to the publication, the administration of President Joe Biden informed the US Congress about the upcoming deal on May 5, even before the recent aggravation of the situation in the region. Congressmen can block the deal within 20 days of the official notification of it.

The newspaper notes that both the fact of the arms supply and the timing of such a deal raise questions among a number of congressional Democrats who are concerned about the Biden administration's support for Israel. In particular, an unnamed member of Congress told the publication that if the United States simply supplies Israel with weapons and does not put pressure on it to conclude a truce with Palestine, it will only worsen the conflict.

On May 10, Palestinian groups launched a massive bombardment of Israel in total, more than a thousand rockets were fired at the country. In response, the Israeli army called up five thousand reservists and conducted operation "Guardians of the Wall". The clashes are still going on. According to the latest data, since the beginning of the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, ten Israelis and 220 residents of the Gaza Strip have been killed.

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MichaelKanny 17 мая 2021 19:16 #43244
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Пользователь offline Azdirom 17 мая 2021 19:31 #43245
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The United States will sell Israel precision weapons worth $ 735 million amid the escalating conflict with Palestine. This is reported by The Washington Post, citing informed sources.

According to the publication, the administration of President Joe Biden informed the US Congress about the upcoming deal on May 5, even before the recent aggravation of the situation in the region. Congressmen can block the deal within 20 days of the official notification of it.

The newspaper notes that both the fact of the arms supply and the timing of such a deal raise questions among a number of congressional Democrats who are concerned about the Biden administration's support for Israel. In particular, an unnamed member of Congress told the publication that if the United States simply supplies Israel with weapons and does not put pressure on it to conclude a truce with Palestine, it will only worsen the conflict.

On May 10, Palestinian groups launched a massive bombardment of Israel in total, more than a thousand rockets were fired at the country. In response, the Israeli army called up five thousand reservists and conducted operation "Guardians of the Wall". The clashes are still going on. According to the latest data, since the beginning of the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, ten Israelis and 220 residents of the Gaza Strip have been killed.

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Пользователь offline VansoreKeete 17 мая 2021 19:52 #43246
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There were more victims of mysterious "directed energy" attacks in the United States: CNN journalists learned that at the end of 2020, two such incidents were recorded near the White House at once.

One of these cases has already been reported in the press, the second was the first time the public learned about it. It turned out that a sharp deterioration in health near the White House was recorded in two, and not in one employee of the National Security Council, as previously thought. It is noted that the first case occurred on the day after the presidential election, and the second-a few weeks later.

According to sources of the TV channel, the first employee of the NSC suddenly became ill when he was near the oval lawn on the south side of the White House. Then he had nausea, but this symptom was considered mild by experts. His colleague had more serious symptoms, and the general state of health required the intervention of a doctor. At the same time, it is not specified what exactly happened to the man.

Earlier it was reported that the United States revealed brain damage in more than 130 employees of state institutions abroad due to attacks using "directed energy", that is, without the use of weapons.

Since the end of 2016, US embassy staff and their relatives in Cuba have complained of symptoms such as hearing loss, nausea, headaches, and loss of balance. Washington has since expelled 15 Cuban diplomats because of the island nation's failure to take appropriate measures to protect American personnel. The Associated Press then obtained an audio recording of the attack and described disturbing sounds: "the high-frequency sound of crickets combined with the scratching of fingernails on a board."

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На официальном сайте adidas-rus.ru вы можете приобрести кроссовки ADIDAS по скидочным ценам! Моментальная доставка по всей Москве и по Российской Федерации, наш адрес 129110, Россия, г. Москва, ул проспект Мира 57 стр 1.
Пользователь offline Vgimerpet 17 мая 2021 20:34 #43247
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In Denmark, they wanted to monitor Russia because of the increased activity in the Arctic. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country, Eppe Kufud, following a meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, reports TASS.

The diplomat stressed that Copenhagen has noticed an increase in the presence of the Russian side in the Arctic region. He added that the Danish authorities will monitor Moscow's actions to ensure the independence of the kingdom and its interests in the Arctic.

Kufud also noted that Russia has resumed the operation of several military bases in the north-east of the country. He said that the Foreign Ministry learned about the opening of bases closed after the end of the Cold War.

Blinken, in turn, praised the efforts of the Danish authorities to ensure security in the Arctic region. "I believe that Denmark takes responsibility in the Arctic, including the Arctic package," the politician stressed.

Earlier it was reported that Russia is concerned about the NATO offensive in the Arctic and plans to raise this issue at a meeting of the Arctic Council, which will be held in Reykjavik on May 20. Responding to Western concerns about Russia's military activity in the Arctic, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recalled that this is Russian territory and therefore Moscow has the right to do everything necessary to ensure its own security.

On May 13, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused Norway of militarizing the Arctic after a US nuclear submarine made a call in the civilian harbor of Tromso in the north of the country on May 10.

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Пользователь offline WilcancaR 17 мая 2021 20:54 #43248
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The United States will sell Israel precision weapons worth $ 735 million amid the escalating conflict with Palestine. This is reported by The Washington Post, citing informed sources.

According to the publication, the administration of President Joe Biden informed the US Congress about the upcoming deal on May 5, even before the recent aggravation of the situation in the region. Congressmen can block the deal within 20 days of the official notification of it.

The newspaper notes that both the fact of the arms supply and the timing of such a deal raise questions among a number of congressional Democrats who are concerned about the Biden administration's support for Israel. In particular, an unnamed member of Congress told the publication that if the United States simply supplies Israel with weapons and does not put pressure on it to conclude a truce with Palestine, it will only worsen the conflict.

On May 10, Palestinian groups launched a massive bombardment of Israel in total, more than a thousand rockets were fired at the country. In response, the Israeli army called up five thousand reservists and conducted operation "Guardians of the Wall". The clashes are still going on. According to the latest data, since the beginning of the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, ten Israelis and 220 residents of the Gaza Strip have been killed.

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Пользователь offline VansoreKeete 17 мая 2021 20:55 #43249
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Russia is concerned about the NATO offensive in the Arctic and plans to raise this issue at a meeting of the Arctic Council, which will be held in Reykjavik on May 20. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during a press conference broadcast by RT on YouTube.

Responding to Western concerns about Russia's military activity in the Arctic, Lavrov recalled that this is Russian territory and therefore Moscow has the right to do everything necessary to ensure its own security. "But when NATO tries to justify its offensive in the Arctic, this is probably a slightly different situation, and here we have questions for our neighbors such as Norway, for example, which is trying in every possible way to justify the need for NATO to come to the Arctic," the Russian foreign minister said.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused Norway of militarizing the Arctic after the US nuclear submarine made a call in the civilian harbor of Tromso in northern Norway on May 10. Department spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused Oslo of escalating tensions in the region, which she linked to the country's desire to please its NATO partners.

In April, CNN reported that Russia is allegedly building up an unprecedented military presence and testing the latest weapons in the Arctic. The publication published satellite images, from which it follows that Russia is strengthening airfields and military bases on the Arctic coast, as well as pulling military equipment and fighters into the region. The article claims that Russia has two goals: to secure the north of the country and to launch navigation along the Northern Sea Route.

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Пользователь offline DrovikolImpar 17 мая 2021 20:57 #43250
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Russia is concerned about the NATO offensive in the Arctic and plans to raise this issue at a meeting of the Arctic Council, which will be held in Reykjavik on May 20. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during a press conference broadcast by RT on YouTube.

Responding to Western concerns about Russia's military activity in the Arctic, Lavrov recalled that this is Russian territory and therefore Moscow has the right to do everything necessary to ensure its own security. "But when NATO tries to justify its offensive in the Arctic, this is probably a slightly different situation, and here we have questions for our neighbors such as Norway, for example, which is trying in every possible way to justify the need for NATO to come to the Arctic," the Russian foreign minister said.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused Norway of militarizing the Arctic after the US nuclear submarine made a call in the civilian harbor of Tromso in northern Norway on May 10. Department spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused Oslo of escalating tensions in the region, which she linked to the country's desire to please its NATO partners.

In April, CNN reported that Russia is allegedly building up an unprecedented military presence and testing the latest weapons in the Arctic. The publication published satellite images, from which it follows that Russia is strengthening airfields and military bases on the Arctic coast, as well as pulling military equipment and fighters into the region. The article claims that Russia has two goals: to secure the north of the country and to launch navigation along the Northern Sea Route.

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Пользователь offline VansoreKeete 17 мая 2021 20:57 #43251
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In Denmark, they wanted to monitor Russia because of the increased activity in the Arctic. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country, Eppe Kufud, following a meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, reports TASS.

The diplomat stressed that Copenhagen has noticed an increase in the presence of the Russian side in the Arctic region. He added that the Danish authorities will monitor Moscow's actions to ensure the independence of the kingdom and its interests in the Arctic.

Kufud also noted that Russia has resumed the operation of several military bases in the north-east of the country. He said that the Foreign Ministry learned about the opening of bases closed after the end of the Cold War.

Blinken, in turn, praised the efforts of the Danish authorities to ensure security in the Arctic region. "I believe that Denmark takes responsibility in the Arctic, including the Arctic package," the politician stressed.

Earlier it was reported that Russia is concerned about the NATO offensive in the Arctic and plans to raise this issue at a meeting of the Arctic Council, which will be held in Reykjavik on May 20. Responding to Western concerns about Russia's military activity in the Arctic, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recalled that this is Russian territory and therefore Moscow has the right to do everything necessary to ensure its own security.

On May 13, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused Norway of militarizing the Arctic after a US nuclear submarine made a call in the civilian harbor of Tromso in the north of the country on May 10.

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На официальном сайте adidas-rus.ru вы можете приобрести кроссовки ADIDAS по скидочным ценам! Моментальная доставка по всей Москве и по Российской Федерации, наш адрес 129110, Россия, г. Москва, ул проспект Мира 57 стр 1.
Пользователь offline DrovikolImpar 17 мая 2021 20:58 #43252
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In Denmark, they wanted to monitor Russia because of the increased activity in the Arctic. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country, Eppe Kufud, following a meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, reports TASS.

The diplomat stressed that Copenhagen has noticed an increase in the presence of the Russian side in the Arctic region. He added that the Danish authorities will monitor Moscow's actions to ensure the independence of the kingdom and its interests in the Arctic.

Kufud also noted that Russia has resumed the operation of several military bases in the north-east of the country. He said that the Foreign Ministry learned about the opening of bases closed after the end of the Cold War.

Blinken, in turn, praised the efforts of the Danish authorities to ensure security in the Arctic region. "I believe that Denmark takes responsibility in the Arctic, including the Arctic package," the politician stressed.

Earlier it was reported that Russia is concerned about the NATO offensive in the Arctic and plans to raise this issue at a meeting of the Arctic Council, which will be held in Reykjavik on May 20. Responding to Western concerns about Russia's military activity in the Arctic, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recalled that this is Russian territory and therefore Moscow has the right to do everything necessary to ensure its own security.

On May 13, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused Norway of militarizing the Arctic after a US nuclear submarine made a call in the civilian harbor of Tromso in the north of the country on May 10.

Our partners for May 17:
На сайте 18ps.ru компании ПК Полимерстрой18 вы можете просмотреть каталог, в котором есть оборудование к продаже, например оборудование для производства полимерпесчаной тротуарной плитки
Пользователь offline VansoreKeete 17 мая 2021 21:20 #43253
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The moment of the attack on the submarine of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, committed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), was caught on video. It is published by the Telegram channel "RT in Russian".

The strikes were carried out on the submarine on the afternoon of May 17. The IDF reported that a warship and an unmanned aerial vehicle participated in the operation.

The army assumed that the Hamas militants wanted to send a ship to carry out a terrorist attack in Israeli waters. Also in the morning, the Israeli Air Force attacked the homes of Hamas commanders in the Gaza Strip.

Earlier, the Israeli authorities announced the largest number of attacks in the history of the country: it was claimed that the Palestinian movements Hamas and Islamic Jihad had fired more than three thousand rockets at Israel over the past seven days.

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Пользователь offline Maskertihem 17 мая 2021 21:21 #43254
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In Denmark, they wanted to monitor Russia because of the increased activity in the Arctic. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country, Eppe Kufud, following a meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, reports TASS.

The diplomat stressed that Copenhagen has noticed an increase in the presence of the Russian side in the Arctic region. He added that the Danish authorities will monitor Moscow's actions to ensure the independence of the kingdom and its interests in the Arctic.

Kufud also noted that Russia has resumed the operation of several military bases in the north-east of the country. He said that the Foreign Ministry learned about the opening of bases closed after the end of the Cold War.

Blinken, in turn, praised the efforts of the Danish authorities to ensure security in the Arctic region. "I believe that Denmark takes responsibility in the Arctic, including the Arctic package," the politician stressed.

Earlier it was reported that Russia is concerned about the NATO offensive in the Arctic and plans to raise this issue at a meeting of the Arctic Council, which will be held in Reykjavik on May 20. Responding to Western concerns about Russia's military activity in the Arctic, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recalled that this is Russian territory and therefore Moscow has the right to do everything necessary to ensure its own security.

On May 13, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused Norway of militarizing the Arctic after a US nuclear submarine made a call in the civilian harbor of Tromso in the north of the country on May 10.

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Пользователь offline VansoreKeete 17 мая 2021 21:22 #43255
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Europe called Russia a security threat in light of the movements of Russian troops near the borders with Ukraine in late March. This was stated by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, as quoted by Reuters.

Complaints about the threat from Russia were made by Denmark and the United States. In addition, Blinken spoke about concerns about the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, which could pose a threat to Europe in the energy sector.

At the end of March, another escalation of the situation in the Donbas began. Ukraine and the self-proclaimed republics accused each other of increasing shelling and moving military equipment in the area of the contact line.

In addition, on March 31, The New York Times, citing one of the American officials, reported that Russia is allegedly pulling its troops to the border with Ukraine. Moscow has denied accusations by Kiev and Washington of trying to provoke a conflict and has insisted that the troop movements are at its discretion.

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Пользователь offline KatzimsVew 17 мая 2021 22:06 #43256
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The moment of the attack on the submarine of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, committed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), was caught on video. It is published by the Telegram channel "RT in Russian".

The strikes were carried out on the submarine on the afternoon of May 17. The IDF reported that a warship and an unmanned aerial vehicle participated in the operation.

The army assumed that the Hamas militants wanted to send a ship to carry out a terrorist attack in Israeli waters. Also in the morning, the Israeli Air Force attacked the homes of Hamas commanders in the Gaza Strip.

Earlier, the Israeli authorities announced the largest number of attacks in the history of the country: it was claimed that the Palestinian movements Hamas and Islamic Jihad had fired more than three thousand rockets at Israel over the past seven days.

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Пользователь offline Gentrabo 17 мая 2021 22:27 #43257
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There were more victims of mysterious "directed energy" attacks in the United States: CNN journalists learned that at the end of 2020, two such incidents were recorded near the White House at once.

One of these cases has already been reported in the press, the second was the first time the public learned about it. It turned out that a sharp deterioration in health near the White House was recorded in two, and not in one employee of the National Security Council, as previously thought. It is noted that the first case occurred on the day after the presidential election, and the second-a few weeks later.

According to sources of the TV channel, the first employee of the NSC suddenly became ill when he was near the oval lawn on the south side of the White House. Then he had nausea, but this symptom was considered mild by experts. His colleague had more serious symptoms, and the general state of health required the intervention of a doctor. At the same time, it is not specified what exactly happened to the man.

Earlier it was reported that the United States revealed brain damage in more than 130 employees of state institutions abroad due to attacks using "directed energy", that is, without the use of weapons.

Since the end of 2016, US embassy staff and their relatives in Cuba have complained of symptoms such as hearing loss, nausea, headaches, and loss of balance. Washington has since expelled 15 Cuban diplomats because of the island nation's failure to take appropriate measures to protect American personnel. The Associated Press then obtained an audio recording of the attack and described disturbing sounds: "the high-frequency sound of crickets combined with the scratching of fingernails on a board."

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Пользователь offline Irisher 17 мая 2021 22:49 #43258
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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov questioned the quality of the investigation into the explosions at warehouses in Vrbetice in 2014. He said this during a press conference broadcast by RT on YouTube.

In addition, the minister said that Prague is experiencing shame and is having a hard time" sorting out " the case. In his opinion, the Czech Republic will not be able to complete the investigation at all.

"No one has yet been able to explain what the investigative authorities have been doing all these years. They get confused in the testimony, as we say, they put forward more and more new versions. We must first deal with such things at home, before expelling diplomats, accusing them of something that even the investigation has not yet been completed, " Lavrov said.

Many new details have emerged in the investigation of the seven-year-old bombings. In particular, on May 17, "Czech Radio" told about the strange behavior of the owner of the company-the tenant of the warehouses of the Imex Group, Peter Bernatik. The day before the bombings, he spent 40 minutes at the hotel where Alexander Mishkin and Anatoly Chepiga allegedly lived (presumably, Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov were hiding under these names). The Czech Republic accuses them of involvement in the incident.

Russia denies involvement in the incident and insists on a transparent investigation. The Czech Republic continued to press charges and expelled 18 Russian diplomats. Moscow responded by declaring 20 employees of the Czech embassy persona non grata.

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Пользователь offline Bathroomssep 17 мая 2021 23:00 #43259
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Пользователь offline DrovikolImpar 17 мая 2021 23:11 #43260
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In Denmark, they wanted to monitor Russia because of the increased activity in the Arctic. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country, Eppe Kufud, following a meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, reports TASS.

The diplomat stressed that Copenhagen has noticed an increase in the presence of the Russian side in the Arctic region. He added that the Danish authorities will monitor Moscow's actions to ensure the independence of the kingdom and its interests in the Arctic.

Kufud also noted that Russia has resumed the operation of several military bases in the north-east of the country. He said that the Foreign Ministry learned about the opening of bases closed after the end of the Cold War.

Blinken, in turn, praised the efforts of the Danish authorities to ensure security in the Arctic region. "I believe that Denmark takes responsibility in the Arctic, including the Arctic package," the politician stressed.

Earlier it was reported that Russia is concerned about the NATO offensive in the Arctic and plans to raise this issue at a meeting of the Arctic Council, which will be held in Reykjavik on May 20. Responding to Western concerns about Russia's military activity in the Arctic, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recalled that this is Russian territory and therefore Moscow has the right to do everything necessary to ensure its own security.

On May 13, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused Norway of militarizing the Arctic after a US nuclear submarine made a call in the civilian harbor of Tromso in the north of the country on May 10.

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