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Фигура Три черепахи

  • Название товара: Фигура Три черепахиАртикул: 15022
  • Размеры: 5см
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  • Цена товара: 400 руб

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Отзывы о товаре "Фигура Три черепахи" (Добавлено: 31486):

Пользователь offline AlfidokNok 30 мая 2021 14:08 #25231
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Пользователь offline Famindagairm 30 мая 2021 14:09 #25232
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Пользователь offline Olegovwibly 30 мая 2021 14:52 #25233
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Пользователь offline Vincentwew 30 мая 2021 16:35 #25234
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Пользователь offline AlfidokNok 30 мая 2021 16:36 #25235
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Пользователь offline Famindagairm 30 мая 2021 16:37 #25236
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Пользователь offline Merovelcah 30 мая 2021 18:55 #25237
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Пользователь offline Madartrurf 30 мая 2021 18:55 #25238
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Пользователь offline Esigerglove 30 мая 2021 19:40 #25239
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Пользователь offline Maskrokrok 30 мая 2021 20:26 #25240
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Пользователь offline Famindagairm 30 мая 2021 21:57 #25241
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Пользователь offline MakdorlCuche 30 мая 2021 22:19 #25242
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Пользователь offline AlfidokNok 31 мая 2021 15:06 #25244
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Пользователь offline Famindagairm 31 мая 2021 15:21 #25245
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Пользователь offline Vincentwew 31 мая 2021 16:07 #25246
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Пользователь offline AlfidokNok 31 мая 2021 16:08 #25247
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Пользователь offline Famindagairm 31 мая 2021 16:09 #25248
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Пользователь offline Vincentwew 31 мая 2021 16:52 #25249
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Пользователь offline AlfidokNok 31 мая 2021 16:53 #25250
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Пользователь offline Madartrurf 31 мая 2021 17:14 #25251
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Пользователь offline Sovfamglove 31 мая 2021 19:22 #25252
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Пользователь offline AlfidokNok 31 мая 2021 19:44 #25253
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The head of the Department of economic Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Dmitry Birichevsky, in an interview with RIA Novosti, said about the threat of involving the SWIFT system in a "sanctions spiral" against Moscow.

"It is no secret that there are threats, first of all from the United States, to disconnect Russia from the SWIFT system," Birichevsky said, stressing that such decisions, according to international law, can only be imposed by the UN Security Council.

The diplomat explained that the measures taken by other countries or groups of countries cannot be called sanctions, since they are taken only by an authorized structure. "And what our Western partners use is rather barriers in order to protect their own producers and protect their own interests on the world stage. There are concerns that the SWIFT system may be involved in this "sanctions spiral", " concluded Birichevsky.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that the Russian government is preparing for a possible disconnection from SWIFT. Moscow is studying options for interfacing the SPFS with foreign systems, for example, the European SEPA, the Iranian SEPAM, the Chinese CUP and CIPS.

In April, MEPs adopted a resolution regulating measures against Russia in the event of its conflict with Ukraine. According to the document, in the event of the outbreak of hostilities, the European Union undertakes to stop the import of oil and gas from Russia, disconnect the country from SWIFT, freeze the European assets of representatives of the Russian authorities and oligarchs and ban them from entering the territory of the EU countries.

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Пользователь offline KarumaSit 31 мая 2021 19:44 #25254
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На [url=http://sweettun.ru/]sweettun.ru[/ur] у вас есть шанс просмотреть также ингредиенты по акции. Очень много товаров сейчас участвуют в акции. С помощью акций доступна возможность хорошо экономить.
Пользователь offline TarimefCuche 31 мая 2021 20:05 #25255
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Russia has no goal to stop gas supplies through Ukraine with the start of operation of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline. So the director of the Department of Economic Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry Dmitry Birichevsky commented on the accusations of deliberate pressure on Kiev in a conversation with RIA Novosti.

"Now the contract is valid, and then there will be negotiations between Gazprom and their partners in Ukraine. We have no task to suspend the supply of gas through Ukraine. Russia has never used energy and its natural resources as an element of pressure or blackmail, " Birichevsky assured.

The diplomat noted that there are certain contractual obligations regarding the transit of gas through Ukraine. They will be implemented as long as the relevant agreements are in force. Thus, the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry commented on the billion-dollar losses of Ukraine from the launch of the Nord Stream-2. They were predicted by the head of the company "Operator of the GTS of Ukraine" Sergey Makogon. According to his calculations, $ 1.5 billion will be lost due to the termination of transit and another $ 2-3 billion-due to the increase in the cost of gas for Ukraine, because its transportation from the EU will become more expensive.

At the same time, a complete stop of gas transit through Ukraine is impossible. And Kiev, buying fuel from intermediaries, somehow supports the export of Russian gas.

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Пользователь offline KarumaSit 31 мая 2021 20:06 #25256
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Пользователь offline SamgokWeale 31 мая 2021 21:51 #25257
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North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has disappeared again: he has not been seen in public for almost a month. This was stated by the representative of the South Korean Ministry of Unification, Lee Jung-joo, as quoted by the Yonhap news agency.

Kim Jong-un was last seen on May 6, during a photo shoot with the families of the North Korean military.

"This is the longest period of absence of public activity [of the leader of the DPRK] this year," - said the representative of the South Korean ministry.

Lee Jong-ju did not want to comment on this situation or express Seoul's position on the "disappearance" of Kim Jong-un.

It is not the first time that the long absence of the North Korean leader in public has raised concerns. So, in the spring of 2020, another disappearance became the reason for many rumors about the state of his health. Then Kim Jong-un disappeared from the media on April 11, and his new photos were published 20 days later. During this time, the politician missed several important events, including the birthday of the "leader of the nation" Kim Il Sung, the main holiday in the country. Some media outlets reported that Kim Jong-un was seriously ill or even dead.

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Пользователь offline Dikolabbiz 31 мая 2021 23:15 #25258
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Chinese authorities have allowed local families to have three children. The policy change is reported by Reuters.

This decision was made following a meeting of the Chinese Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. It was approved by Secretary General Xi Jinping.

It is not yet known when the decision will take effect. Reuters notes that this will be a significant change in the country's domestic policy: previously, Chinese families could only have two children.

One of the high-profile cases where the couple was fined for violating this law occurred in late February. Businesswoman Zhang Rongrong and her husband had seven children to make the "perfect number" and paid more than one million yuan in fines ($155,000). Without this payment, the children five boys and two girls-would not have received identification documents.

From 1979 to 2015, the Chinese authorities implemented a demographic policy of "one family one child". Since the beginning of 2016, citizens of the country have been allowed to have two children. Since the 1970s, Beijing has been legally restricting family size, as the authorities see the problem in the huge population growth: because of this, the country's land, water and energy resources are overloaded.

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Пользователь offline NabskoxQuimi 31 мая 2021 23:57 #25259
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The head of the Department of Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Dmitry Birichevsky in an interview with RIA Novosti spoke about the preparations for the possible disconnection of Russia from the SWIFT system.

According to Birichevsky, the country has already begun work on creating an alternative SWIFT system. He clarified that so far there is no talk of disconnecting Russia from the system, " but it is necessary to prepare for this, taking into account the unpredictability of the situation." "Russia has been doing this for quite a long time, because it is an objective necessity," the diplomat added.

Earlier in the same interview, Birichevsky said about the threat of involving the SWIFT system in a "sanctions spiral" against Moscow. He recalled that threats to disconnect Russia from the system are often heard from the United States and other countries. "What our Western partners use is rather barriers in order to protect their own producers and protect their own interests on the world stage. There are concerns that the SWIFT system may be involved in this "sanctions spiral", " concluded Birichevsky.

Earlier, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that the Russian government is preparing for a possible disconnection from SWIFT. Moscow is studying options for interfacing the SPFS with foreign systems, for example, the European SEPA, the Iranian SEPAM, the Chinese CUP and CIPS.

In April, MEPs adopted a resolution regulating measures against Russia in the event of its conflict with Ukraine. According to the document, in the event of the outbreak of hostilities, the European Union undertakes to stop the import of oil and gas from Russia, disconnect the country from SWIFT, freeze the European assets of representatives of the Russian authorities and oligarchs and ban them from entering the territory of the EU countries.

SWIFT is an international system for transferring information and making payments between banks. More than 11 thousand large organizations in 200 countries are connected to it. Russia is one of the most active participants in the system.

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Пользователь offline Olegovwibly 1 июня 2021 05:46 #25260
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